Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Post Audition

So my choir audition was interesting...
I sang "On my own" from Les Mis, and if you haven't heard the song it is set quite low. So naturally, since I was singing a lower/belt song I spent all day singing in my lower range. As soon as I walked into the audition room, Mr. Benlap told me that he was only going to hear a little bit of my song. Okay, sweet no big deal. I only sang two lines before then he stopped me, and I didn't even get close to the meaty parts! And then he asked me to sing a really high song from the hymn book... gulp. I was definitely not warmed up for this. But I think it went okay... because then he told me to come to call backs, and said:

"I look forward to working with you"

So I think that I got into Choir?
