Friday, September 30, 2011

I think my heart just stopped beating.

It's official baby! I'm a combination of
{scared, excited, overwhelmed, exhilarated, anxious and motivated}
all at the same time! Only fifteen more days!

The Mrs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So it's kinda a mental thing...

The other night I was about to go on a run. In my head, this run was huge! I was going to be running my longest distance yet, eight miles. For you eight miles may not be that far, but for me, achieving this personal goal was a big deal. I had been mentally preparing/dreading all day. Finally, when it came time to run, disaster struck: I couldn't find my nike+ shoe insert. How was I supposed to know when I had run eight miles without it? (So dramatic I am sometimes.) After ten minutes of vigorous searching I finally found it. Of course it had been in my shoe the entire time. Pushing my minor setback aside, I laced up and was all ready to go. Then disaster number two struck. I had found my shoe insert, but it wouldn't sync with my ipod. I was on the verge on a meltdown, all I could think about was how it was getting to dark outside to run and that I could have been two miles in already. After 20 minutes of trying to get it to work, I announced to Tim that I couldn't go on my run any more, it was all ruined. (Even more dramatic I am sometimes.)Then before I knew it, chariots of fire was playing and Tim was running towards me in slow motion. It totally won me over, I dropped the attitude and decided I could still do my run, and that instead of dreading it, I was going to enjoy it. Also on the plus side, my nike+ started working! 

Attitude is everything

Some days a three mile run absolutely kills me, but those eight miles were honestly the easiest I've ever ran. And because of it, I've finally decided to commit to running the Gunstock Trail Half Marathon on October 15th. Should be an adventure!

The Mrs.

P.S. Thanks again Mr.Zemp for being the best husband in the universe :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My favourite

I stole this from pinterest.
It reminded me of why Fall is my favourite season.
In honour of Fall I tried wearing a sweater today, haha it didn't last very long. Fall you will be missed!

The Mrs.

P.S. First episode of Glee last night, loved it! So excited for what this season has in store.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sound of music.

You will LOVE this song if you haven't heard it.

The Mrs.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time flies.

I don't know why, but I always found it somewhat weird/awkward when people would comment on how much I had grown or changed. It's like they were complementing you... or at least you think? Or at least you hope? But then they aren't really saying anything to complement you either. How are you supposed to respond? With a thank you maybe? Anyways, despite my feeling for those types of comments I am going to make one myself.

Oh my lanta my Kennedy has grown up
She just made the cheer squad yesterday and I am so proud of her!

Congratulations Kennedy!

It seriously weirds me out that she is in high school...

The Mrs.

p.s. Chelan next year this will be matlin! 

Friday, September 16, 2011


Our new discovery,
Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ.
Seriously divine! So what happens is you order raw meat and cook in on a barbecue that is in the middle of your table! Everyone loves to play with food lets be real here. Of course you order other things besides raw meat, you can pick from lots of sides and appetizers; it's a-la-carte style. Great prices too! 

...So if you're ever in town (or I know Cali has a lot of them,) try it! You will love it. 

The Mrs.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Naniloa Loop

Aloha! E komo mai nou ka hale!
{Welcome our house is yours!}

So this is our home. 
I will take you through a little tour and tell you a little bit about Hawaiian living!

This is where we do homework and make really yummy food!
Sometimes the ants like to join us, I've told them many times that our house is not ant friendly, but they keep forgetting, 
 so then we -excuse my language- kill them. 

This is where we sleep! There is a heavenly breeze that goes right through the window beside us. (You can kind of see the curtain blowing.) It is so lovely.

This is where we relax! It's like the multipurpose space; we eat, sleep, watch movies, do yoga, you name it!

The closet is where I sing so I don't bother the neighbours, and I just took a picture of our dish cupboard because it's my favourite part of the house. :)

That's all for now, come visit any time!

The Mrs.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Post Audition

So my choir audition was interesting...
I sang "On my own" from Les Mis, and if you haven't heard the song it is set quite low. So naturally, since I was singing a lower/belt song I spent all day singing in my lower range. As soon as I walked into the audition room, Mr. Benlap told me that he was only going to hear a little bit of my song. Okay, sweet no big deal. I only sang two lines before then he stopped me, and I didn't even get close to the meaty parts! And then he asked me to sing a really high song from the hymn book... gulp. I was definitely not warmed up for this. But I think it went okay... because then he told me to come to call backs, and said:

"I look forward to working with you"

So I think that I got into Choir?


Monday, September 12, 2011


Choir Audition.
One hour.
I'm sick to my stomach.
You'd think that feeling gets old...

but it doesn't.

The Mrs. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh look! 

Avenia did a blog post about me, and if you ignore the cheesy quotes it's actually pretty sweet!

The Mrs.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Happy. Happy. Happy.
This week we moved into T.V.A. and the first thing that came out of Tim's mouth was, "This is perfect, this is home." He couldn't of said it better! It feels so good to be settled. This move was actually our fourth as a couple - crazy! At some point I will post pictures of our new home, but before then I just wanted to make a tribute to our old house. 

There are three things that I will severely miss:

The view in our back yard with the private beach

Our secret spot

Living next to Jack Johnson
(Seriously, we never  saw him, but there was this pimp house beside us, security cameras and all! I just know it was Jack's summer house.)

The view
The spot
We will miss you old house! 

The Mrs.